Economist–China buys up the world and the world should stay open for business

Chinese firms can bring new energy and capital to flagging companies around the world; but influence will not just flow one way. To succeed abroad, Chinese companies will have to adapt. That means hiring local managers, investing in local research and placating local concerns””for example by listing subsidiaries locally. Indian and Brazilian firms have an advantage abroad thanks to their private-sector DNA and more open cultures. That has not been lost on Chinese managers.

China’s advance may bring benefits beyond the narrowly commercial. As it invests in the global economy, so its interests will become increasingly aligned with the rest of the world’s; and as that happens its enthusiasm for international co-operation may grow. To reject China’s advances would thus be a disservice to future generations, as well as a deeply pessimistic statement about capitalism’s confidence in itself.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, Asia, China, Economy, Globalization

2 comments on “Economist–China buys up the world and the world should stay open for business

  1. mari says:

    Just who is kidding who? Does the writer for The Economist not believe people read about what Chinese companies have done and continue to do, in Africa and Latin America? The globalist’s greed, and willingness to lie, reveals how they know the price of everything and the value of nothing. They have no credibility.

  2. BlueOntario says:

    For example, [url=]look at the wonderful things the Chinese have done in the US.[/url]